Shaping the future of society by incubating your web3 ideas and helping to bring them on the way.

Next Deadline:
Key Facts

- Pitch Competition
- Financing date: „First money in“ (Pre-Seed)
- Financing: up to EUR 25,000
- Target group: natural persons (founders) and start-ups in the (pre-) founding phase
What to expect
We invest up to 25 kEUR per winning startup. We’ll host startup competitions in Vienna, Bratislava, Belgrade and Tibilis.
- First money-in investment of up to 25 kEUR.
- Investor’s Relations: worth 1.500 EUR workshop for fundraising
- Lifetime Network Partner at Block&Wine: plus 1x Sponsoring Package at Block&Wine
- Industry Workshop: worth 1.500 EUR workshop for industry applications
- web3 deep-dive: worth 1.500 EUR workshop for business modelling in web3

Deal Flow
We connect start-ups with investors who want to invest.

Match Making
We match start-ups and investors.

Visibility & Network
We provide access to market and ecosystem.
Our Team

Georg Brameshuber
Head of Block and Start
Robby Schwertner
Head of Growth
Sofia Surma
Head of Block&Wine
Clemens Otto

Block&Wine is a networking event hosted by blockchain enthusiasts for blockchain enthusiasts. The #1 Austrian Blockchain Community at the heart of the Viennese tech scene.
Block&Wine Meetups are open to anyone interested and passionate about crypto and blockchain.
Apply Now

Pitch & Application Criteria:
- Elevator pitch
- Who? What? Your vision and idea?
- Founded <1 year
Application checklist
- What to submit:
- Pitch deck / business model of the company / project / idea
- CVs of core team members
- Prototype solution: which problem do you want to solve?
- Funding/investment received?
- Public profile: landing page, social media, news, publications / whitepapers, patents?
- Testimonials / Advisors / Partners / Guides?
- Please apply by email only. (25MB size limit!)
- Topics:
- web 3, metaverse, NFT, blockchain technology
- AI/VR/AR for web3
- web3 payment solutions, web3 FinTech, DeFi
- gaming & art for web3
- cyber security, identity/SSI
- blockchain & web3 use cases for industry, real estate, mobility
- web3 & sustainability, web3 EduTech and financial literacy
- media & content creation in web3
- working in the metaverse
- Solutions with an added value to society (#ReturnOnSociety), diversity, women in tech encouraged!
- Application Deadline:
Batch 2 – tba